Tuesday, August 21, 2012

The last stop on the world tour

Following Japan, there was one last stop to be had on the world tour - New Zealand. To me, it has always been a country that brings to mind sheep, a nice sav blanc and sarcastic colleagues. I wasn't disappointed in any of these areas. The best part? I kept thinking things were really expensive, then had a moment when realized that oh, hang on, that's NZD - bargain! (love getting paid in a real currency).

There were sheep. Lots of them too. I just checked with the New Zealand Ministry of Population and Sustainable Development and apparently there are 10 sheep to each human in New Zealand (used to be 20:1, not quite sure what happened to reduce e ratio so dramatically over the past ten years, but it leaves me unsettled...). Am a little disappointed I never made it to Sheep World (it is a real place in Auckland), will need to save that for next time.

I of course needed some kind of sheep related souvenir, and who could pass up this little guy...

There were also some cows that looked like they had bred with the sheep. We nicknamed them shows.

As I mentioned above, there was also wine, and a lovely weekend in wine country to sample some of the local delights.

Don't be fooled by the sunshine in these pics, for the most part the weather as as you would expect for this time of year in NZ - rubbish. I am not sure if I am relieved or disappointed though that for the week that I was there I didn't once get to sample those trademark Wellington winds.

I do like going up towers and checking out the view, and the Skytower in Auckland did not disappoint.

Thee are crazzzzzy people though who pay money to jump off the thing (which is the tallest structure in the southern hemisphere).

It also had a glass floor in parts...which freaked me out a little.

One thing about Auckland that I did like was the messages on the departures board at the aircraft. If your flight was not yet ready, maybe you should should follow their instructions...

I have one more post for the blog that I am going to work on in the coming week - so don't think you are off the hook on having to read my ramblings just yet...

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