Wednesday, August 1, 2012

O Canada

I have had a pretty chilled week and a half in Vancouver. Being somewhere I have been before, rather than going out and doing all the touristy things, I have really just been hanging out. So, for this post, I figured I would show you some of my fav pictures from Vancouver (at which point you are sure to work out the kind of eclectic visit I have had!).

Granville Island is one of my fav places here in Vancouver. I like wandering through the market and eating yummy things I find at the market. You have to be careful though with your fish and chips (or calamari and chips in my case).

Crazy ass seagulls will try to steal your food. I ended up acting like a crazy person and had a full on conversation with a seagull about how he was not getting any of my calamari. I won, though one of his pals came back later to have a shot at my ice cream (whatcha gonna do with coffee gelato seagull???).

Speaking of crazy ass seagulls, we had one stalk our boat last week! Chris played skipper as we hired a boat and took it for a cruise for a few hours through English Bay (I think I have that right). We saw lots of sea lions on the way, and the scenery was quite pretty.

We made two pit stops on land, one of which was for ice cream (I like ice cream, I am using it to get over the cupcakes). At that stop there were lots of folk out kayaking and stuff.

People were out near Granville Island doing the same when I was there for lunch today. Felt bad that I was eating an ice cream and watching others be energetic...not really.

Back to the crazy wildlife, I went to Stanley Park one night last week to go to theater under the stars (they were doing The Music Man). On the walk to the spot where the theater was I got caught in a turf war...between two squirrels! There was this guy (who is looking at me as if to say "you taking MY picture?").

And there was this guy...

Both were not afraid of humans and full on had a go at me. Not liking squirrels.

I did find some wildlife in Stanley Park though that I did like. I went back to the Vancouver Aquarium. Those of you who have seen my Facebook profile photo anytime in the last three years know that I played with the beluga whales last time I was in Vancouver. This time around I played with the dolphins. Well one of them anyway, a pacific white sided dolphin named Hana. Whilst I was there though I did pop back to see my buddies the belugas.

I did wonder if they recognized me and were desperately trying to give me a hug to say hello. So much so that they ran into the cute.

There were sea lions there too. Think this dude was trying to escape...

They had just opened the new penguin exhibit...

As always, the jellies were super super cool...I sat and stared at them and thought about how they would fit into my evil genius empire. I am thinking laser beams in each tentacle. Now that would be a weapon of mass destruction...

And then there was the amazon enclosure. The macaws were my fav in there...

I went for a nice wander through the park, though it wasn't the best day for it...

Today was a much nicer day to wonder around the sea wall. I even found the sea plane airport!

Oh, and today I caught the Aqua Bus over to Granville Island. 

I think that I finally found a kind of poutine that I actually like. Normally I am all for weird, deep fried foods, but even I draw the line at poutine. There were a few takeaways that sold nothing but (some advertised over 20 different types). I ate every last bite of this one...It had liquid cheese though (ewww).

I picked up some cool nail polish in Vancouver. Check this out

Sent a pic of it to a few beauty bloggers and all are a little stumped over how to use it (only instruction on the bottle is "do not shake"). Got my nails done as well. The only downside was that the moisturiser the chick used was sparkly. I didn't realise just how sparkly until I walked outside and realized that in the sun I looked like a vampire from Twilight on a bright sunny day. Can't really see how sparkly I am I the pic, but how cool are those nails?

Oh, and the cafe at my hotel had the best name

Have loved being in Canada, but tomorrow I fly to Japan! Let's see how bad my high school Japanese has gotten...

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