Thursday, May 3, 2012

Space age swimming pools, Tapas & Disturbing souvineers

Am over the hump of this group tour. Have formed a collation of the similarly minded, and even got informed at dinner last night by a Canadian couple that they had adopted me (does that mean I am now Canadian?). There are now several members of the tour group who are no longer under any illusions about whether I like them or not.

Picking up in Seville, we headed to a farm for dinner. Not just any farm, one where they breed fighting bulls. Now you all know that I am no militant vegan or anything, but even I felt a little uneasy when the "sport" of bull fighting was explained to us in detail. In fact, I had an epiphany at the farm. The rules of the Hunger Games are the rules of a bull fight. A group of us discussed this at length and agreed I was right (I do like conversations that come to the conclusion...). Not going to say any more than that as I have decided I am not a fan of bull fighting.

The next morning we started the trek to Granada. We stopped in a little town on the way where we were accosted by a group of Spanish geography students on a field trip who wanted to practice their English. Then it was on to Granada and a visit to the Alhambra Palace.

The view from the palace wasn't bad

The reason many people visit the Palace is the gardens, which are very pretty

Whilst at the palace we made the obligatory trip to the gift shop. There as a little discussion in the gift shop about the appropriateness of some of the figurines. Is it just me, or are these more than a little...wrong?

Today, we started the road trip to Valencia. Yup, being stalked by oranges! (Valencia exports over 3 billion to the EU each year). I could not believe my eyes with what greeted us in Valencia. The only way I could think to describe it was that it looked to me like a space aged swimming pool, or a cruise ship designed by the cast of Star Trek. Check this out...

The thing in the distance that looks like a giant harp is in fact a bridge.

There were even postcards in the gift shop that showed these pools full of sharks! The buildings include an aquarium, a planetarium, and a museum.

We got to spend the afternoon hanging out in Valencia.

I found me a tapas bar. So, so many yummy things to eat...

These were my favorites...

Today's parting thought - did you know that the McDonalds drive thru in Spain is called the "McAuto"? You do now.

Tomorrow we head at Barcelona!

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