Sunday, May 19, 2013

Copenhagen Crazy

First country of this trip is down already! Denmark, done and dusted.

Rather than stay in Malmo (where Eurovision was being hosted this year) we decided to go 14kms down the train tracks and instead stay in Copenhagen. That was an awesome decision. The hotel we picked was in a superstar location. From my window I could see the central train station. Made for an easy trip home when you got off the train tired and with aching feet from standing for the past 5 hours!

The buildings in Copenhagen are beautiful. My fav being the town hall - though I suspect that has more to do with watching Danish crime tv shows and seeing it featured in those!

For the most part, the weather was stunning. It was warm and sunny and perfect for wandering around aimlessly. On Saturday in particular I did just that. I went to check out the marble church - which was one of the lovelier churches I have been in over the years.

I turned around and found the royal palaces behind me. Point of note for fellow Australia's - Danish people want to know one thing "do you know Princess Mary?". Australia is a big country folks, and whilst we are proud to have donated one of our own to be the future Queen of Denmark, we are not all BFFs! Mary does however have a royal guard.

I kept wandering along the canal. After all I was on a mission. I wanted to go see the famous little mermaid statue. On my way there I started to notice there were a LOT of people around. I put that down to it being Saturday, there being glorious weather, and carnivale... Then I walk up a hill and see THIS

No, that is not one cruise ship, nor is it two - it was FIVE cruise ships all in a row. All parked near the statue I wanted to see. %#*£¥.

Maybe it is not so bad, I tell myself. Maybe they are all on field trips in town. Nope - they all at the statue!

Took forever to get a shot of the statue with so many people around. But I got it in the end.

We spent an awesome evening at Tivoli gardens. This was someplace I really wanted to go. I learned last year at DisneyWorld that Tivoli was Walt Disney's inspiration. Inspiration might be a bit much. Dude pretty much ripped the place off! It was pretty magical at night. Lots of fairy lights.

Alexa and I skipped the rides (Jo and Tim braved the Demon coaster) but there were pommes frites (hot chips) and Belgium waffles for dinner. Is that an awesome Friday night or what?

One of the main reasons I am looking forward to going back next year (after for the first time in as long as I can remember the song I loved the most actually won!) is for the food. Is the anything better than a Danish open sandwich?

Speaking of food and drink - they had Eurovision water at the arena - water with, wait for it, elderflower and rhubarb!

Weather turned to rubbish on Sunday - just in time for the Copenhagen marathon. We braved the cold and rain to go and cheer a few runners at the 17km mark (okay, we were searching for coffee - but we did clap, and listen to the band).

So after yet another awesome Eurovision, it was time to leave Copenhagen. Whilst this was made easier by knowing I would be back there next year - it did mean leaving Jo and Alexa as they headed for Paris, whilst I headed to Amsterdam. Seeing Gerald and Sofia again was also awesome (and my head didn't hurt for a few hours because I had Swedish speaking company!). The amusing part of the trip (the cruise!) starts today :)

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