Sunday, April 22, 2012

Three flights later...

You are all harassing me on the basis that there is nothing new on here. Well, you will all have to then endure a post revolving around a 24 hour flight and two days in what I have been assured counts as the UK "countryside". The flight over, despite being as bumpy as the drive to my house in Honiara, was happily uneventful. I did have to endure snoring passengers, and the torture of REALLY wanting a donut in Singapore airport as a midnight snack, but lacking a suitable currency to purchase it with. There was also the joy of airsick strangers throwing up in the departure lounge as we were bording the flight, and the stress of a fogged in Canberra airport. Memo to QANTAS though - you may want to update some of the in-flight entertainment. One of the radio programs I listened to included an ad to vote for QANTAS for best in-flight entertainment at the 2007 airline awards... Eventually though, I made it to English "countryside" (aka Ipswich). I attempted to stay awake long enough to starve off jetlag, but instead fell asleep on the couch long before any of the children, and am assured by Tom and El that I do robot-esque dance moves in my sleep (eventually they took pity on me and woke me up and sent me to bed). Cultural experiences to date have included watching "The Only Way is Essex" (so that I can learn the local lingo) and a trip to Sainsburrys. I am somewhat ashamed to say that I came dead last at ten pin bowling this morning (even 3 year old Alex beat me), however I made a triumphant comeback this afternoon when I crushed the children in a Wii based re-match (ok, it was on the second re-match, they beat me at the Wii version the first time round as well...). I will keep this post short - otherwise, frankly, it will just become a list of ways I have disgraced myself in the Oppenheim household! There will be pictures next time. Promise.

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