Sunday, June 28, 2015

Can you really make the Sizzler cheese toast at home?

So, this week came the sad news that an icon of my high school years may be shutting it's doors. Apparently a number of Sizzler restaurants in Australia are going to be closed.

So, as you do, a staff member allegedly leaked the secret recipe for the infamous cheese toast. Now, when I went there during my high school days the urban legend of the cheese toast told us all that it was made a special yeast that would expand in your tummy. The idea behind giving it to you at the start of the meal was to stop you going all Homer Simpson on the buffet and eating Sizzler out of house and home. As a grown up I am 96% sure this isn't true, but it did mean it was many years before I ate the cheese toast again - instead preferring to load up on the potato skins on the salad bar (and then there was that amazing red sauce for the pasta...but I digress).

I wanted to try the 'leaked' recipe to see if it did indeed taste like the real thing. it all starts with equal parts of butter and that really fine parmesan cheese. It ended up making a buttery paste.

Part two is pretty easy - spread on bread.

You then need to fry it, butter side down (I am now starting to understand why this tastes so good...).

The recipe suggests putting a lid or plate on it to "steam" the bread, but mine was really fresh, so i skipped that step. this is what I ended up with.

Looked pretty similiar to the Sizzler cheese toast, but it all came down to the taste test. And how did that go? Well the fact that right now I am craving potato skins says to me that it must be pretty true to the real thing to my taste buds. If nothing else it reiterated that this is far from the healthiest thing you could possibly eat at Sizzler - so maybe it worked in my favor all those years I believed the urban legend.

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