Sunday, July 1, 2012

If I were an evil genius...

If I were an evil genius (and believe me, my day will come) I would have my evil lair in Ecuador. Seriously, the rock formations in the Galapagos islands are made for evil geniuses. I scouted many a location, but by far and away the winner was this rock formation. There was consensus on the boat that the left formation would be the perfect rocket launcher, the the formation on the right had a flat top for my helicopters, and flat sides that could open up to let in my naval fleet.

And look at the dark ominous sky and black ocean - does it look like an evil lair or what???

Jo (who keep in mind is a vegetarian...) pointed out just how many awesome animals there were to whom we could attach "frickin laser beams" to the heads of. Let's review the list of possible animal minions. There is the sea lion.

Sure, they look like cute dopey puppies, but these guys are stealthy, and they are awesome on land and sea. Double threat. There are also so many of them, they could form an entire army.

Then there are the iguanas. The marine variety had much potential. They blend into the rocks. I nearly stepped on about a dozen of them. And they look like gremlins. What kind of animal that looks like a gremlin could be good and not evil?

They too were in large numbers, so again, army material.

Their cousin the land iguana is however a I don't think they would make good minions... This guy was eating dirt. Case closed.

Now I think that the giant land tortoises might have potential. Sure they are big and slow, but this fellow hissed at me. He had spunk.

This fellow tried to show off his camouflage skills.

And when we went to see the babies, well one of them disproved the slow theory. He was so fast, my camera struggled to capture him...

On a sad note, when we were in Galapopgos, one of the worlds most famous tortoises (and the oldest) Lonesome George died. RIP George.

I'm not sure what, but I reckon I can do something with the crab population. They have potential. They were eating each other. That shows the kind of ruthlessness I am looking for.

I would have an outstanding air army, the birds are in abundance. I could have pelicans...

And some penguins...

Maybe a few herrons (which totally look like muppets)...

And of course, I need boobies! The Galapopgos is of course home to three kids of boobies. The red footed boobie...

The blue footed boobie (with thanks to Jo for the pretty pic)...

And the very camera shy masked boobie. And by masked, I mean zorro-esque. Part of my thinks he wears the mask because he is ashamed that his name is "boobie".

No minion army of mine would be complete without a flamingo or two. They will of course all have just two legs ;)

The islands are also full of cacti (check it out Jo, I used the plural correctly!). They would be an awesome spot for my spy cameras.

Though I am used to seeing cacti in the dessert, not so close to the water...

The only problem was, I realized on an afternoon stroll through Santa Cruz that all my evil minions could be easily swayed by the local fishermen...

Unfortunately, I have come to the realization that my evil lair can't be at sea. This evil genius gets sea sick as it turns out. Worse that that, I had a horrible reaction to the sea sickness medication and ended up with an awful case of side effects for 24 hours (blurred vision and the lack of ability to focus my eyesight being the worst of it). An evil genius needs to be able to focus.

We did scope some sights on land, including the equator (that would be the yellow line down the middle). And as those of you on Facebook would know, this evil genius stood there, looking at this view, and asked Jo "so which do you reckon is the northern hemisphere and which is the southern?". Jo then pointed out the giant "S" and "N".

I think I might have a little way to go to be an evil genius.

Starting tomorrow, sea sickness recovery starts. At DisneyWorld!!!!!!!!!!

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